Sorry I haven't kept up with my posts. I'm now on my 48 hour work week schedule. I run around alot because I'm still trying to get by with no daycare. The girls are in a big Chinese New Year show on the 24th, so they have rehearsals Wednesday, Friday and then Saturday before the show. Jessica has Girl Scouts once a month on Mondays. Anna has Brownies every other week and we missed last night. They both have dance on Saturdays, but Jessica also has dance on Friday nights. Jessica has trumpet lessons Tuesday afternoons, and I have band practice Tuesday evenings. The girls both have religion class on Wednesday nights, but Anna has also had to be at church the last 2 Saturday mornings. And Anna still wants to do gymnastics, but I just can't see coming up with the time and money for that. I told her maybe this summer.
I got a new camera for my birthday, but I'm still trying to figure out how to work it, and I still need to get the program on my computer. I'll have to have Jessica teach me how to work the camera as she seems to have figured most of it out. Once I get it straight, I hope to be able to post a lot more pictures.