Monday, May 5, 2008

On the Paperwork Front

On Friday I got my letter from the Department of Homeland Security telling me my fingerprint appointment to renew my I171-H is on May 14 at 1:00 p.m. Whew! I was so worried maybe my homestudy agency didn't send my homestudy update and letter requesting my free renewal in before the old one expired. So next week I go get my finger prints taken again, then wait. It's in the process though, so I'm feeling better. That's not to say I won't have to renew it again, for a fee, before I get Amanda's referral.

CCAA only did referrals for 3 days worth of LID's this month. My guestimate for next month is that they get through Jan 20, 2006 LID's, then my agency gets skipped in July when they hopefully finish up January, 2006. Who would have thought it would take a half a year to finish one month. I guess the "CCAA only getting through Feb, 2006 in 2008" prediction might actually come true. At 2 months/year, it'd be mid 2013 before I see a referral. But I still hope that things will start to speed up a little by the end of this year. I'm still hoping for a late 2009 or early 2010 referral. Maybe by 2010 I can have enough money saved up to believe I can really travel to China. When I started I would have never believed my girls might almost be 9 & 11 when we get their baby sister. I just wanted Anna to be in 1st grade.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

good luck with the update. At least, it is something we can actually do! I agree with you, and am hoping things pick up at some point. I'd love to beleive our referral will come in 2010!