Monday, November 15, 2010

Freaking Out Right Now

You'd think after waiting nearly 4 years from LID (I hit that landmark next Monday), that I'd be a little more prepared to move to the travel planning stage. Well, I'm not and I'm freaking out a little, okay, make that a lot here!

I had 3 major life events happen within a span of 4 days from October 16-October 20. I moved, my mom passed away (very unexpectedly), and I got my referral. I've finally finished moving, but still have to unpack. My mom's stuff is taken care of for the most part, but I'm still in shock. And now I'm getting travel prep stuff from my agency.

I still have to finish 3 more Hague training credits (I've kept my I-600a up-to-date, but the agency asks for it anyway). I'm sending my passport renewal application off today. I still need to work on my girls' who's also expired. My fingerprints will expire before I travel in February. I need to update my homestudy for my new address. I'm just not ready.

I know I freaked out a little with my other girl's trips, but I was at least emotionally ready for this. I still have to deal with Thanksgiving, my birthday, December 2nd, Christmas, New Year's, Chinese New Year, my girls dance production that will take up all of my January weekends.

Where's the money going to come from and how soon will I need it?! The longer I keep it in my 401k plan, the more I'll have available. Yikes!!

Okay, I feel better just venting. And one of my coworkers who's privy to my life came over and let me vent as well, so I feel better.


Sue said...

Laura, As I learned from bring Erin home, God works is such wonderful way and somehow it all comes together. Take a deep breath in.

Ashley said...

Oh my! You do have a lot going on! One step at at time. It will all happen, just as it is suppose to, and it will be wonderful. :)