I had a party and sleepover last night. 9 girls: 4-8 year olds, 1-7 year old, 1-6 year old, and 3-5 year olds. 3 moms also spent the night. We all had a great time! Around 10 p.m. the girls put on their hats, picked up their noisemakers and had a parade around my dining room table. Then, they settled in to the sleeping arrangements - all the girls in my living room. I put down a gym mat and toddler mattress. Anna slept on the couch and 2 girls had inflatable sleeping bags. It worked out great. The moms all got real beds. Then my camping buddy mom made pancakes and sausages for breakfast this morning. I think I set a precedence and I may be having more of these sleepover parties. It worked out better than I thought it would and it was a nice way to start out 2008. Of course some of the girls were still up at 1:30 a.m., so I'm sure there were a lot of naps being taken at home today.

Here's to a great year in 2008!
This is totally something that I would have loved. I have such great memories of spend the night parties. We would dance, snack, play games and talk while we were in our bags. What a blast!!! Happy New Year!!!!
What a great Mom!!
The girls look like they had a blast!
I love the pic with all the girls in their sleeping bags!!
Did anyone get any sleep?!!
Happy New Year!
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