Friday, June 27, 2008

Anna Wants to Go to China in the Morning

That was her question of the morning: When do you want to go to China?
She'd like to leave in the morning.
Me, too. Like, tomorrow morning, but that's not going to happen.


Courtney said...

I love your Blog's new look! Congrats on 19th months too!

LID 11-13-06

Kristy said...

I love the new look and the pictures of China are beautiful, I can't wait to see all of it in person!!!

Ashley said...

Laura, your blog looks fabulous! Happy 19 months, and I'm with Anna. I want to go to China in the morning, too!
:) Ashley

Angie said...

Can I go with you, Anna? It won't take me long to pack...I will definitely be ready in the morning!!