I've heard one mom say she just dreads May and June every year. I understand why. We've had dance recitals and other dance commitments. Swimming has ended. Last week I was at the girls' school 4 out of 5 days. I helped chaperone the the first grader's trip to the zoo on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Jessica's class had an end of year picnic. It was really nice since they'll all be moving on to a different school next year - a grades 4-6 school. The parents had to play "Are You Smarter Than a 3rd Grader". Nope, we're not. I got 6 of the 30 questions wrong. Then we played kick-ball, parents against the kids. I made Jessica proud by making it to base and playing semi-okay at 3rd base. Then a pizza party in the park next door to the school. It was a really nice party. Thursday I picked the girls up from their last running club. Was it that same day or the day before that we went to a buffet for supper and halfway through Anna announces that she has to be at the school play yard for Zinedine's Paper Flying Club which she signed up for. Luckily we were not far from the school. It was just a kid in her class who wanted to make and fly paper airplanes. They had fun, but we're not going to make a habit of not telling me stuff ahead of time. Thursday night Anna's class was invited to a "social" in the warehouse of one of her classmate's mom's cheesecake business. The kids jumped rope, hula-hooped, ate a little, watched a dvd of their joke day which someone copied for everyone in the class. Friday I had to pick the girls up because my daycare provider's son was graduating college. Tomorrow is the last day of school and I'm volunteering for their school carnival, then having a picnic lunch with my girls and taking the rest of the day off. Whew, it'll be good to be done with school and school activities for awhile.
So I forgot to go to my daycare provider's son's open house on Saturday. I knew I was forgetting something, but I only got a verbal invitation and didn't see them Thursday or Friday. Just remembered that this morning.
Yesterday Anna had an end of year party at a friend's house. She has a birthday party to go to Thursday as well. Guess we need to get a gift.
Saturday and Sunday late afternoons, we decided to go to our local aquatic park. It opened Friday and we've got season passes. It was also very humid over the weekend. I was beginning to think it would rain all summer and we wouldn't get a chance to use them.
Next weekend we go on our first camping trip of the summer. I'm not all that excited about it. I keep seeing the cost of gas and thinking about the wear and tear on my van. And of course this'll be the first time leaving my new puppy home for the weekend with my friend dropping by once or twice a day. But the girls are excited about camping. Let's hope it doesn't storm.
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