Tuesday, February 19, 2008

All this by 8:10 a.m.

I don't really have anything exciting to write about, so I'll just write about our morning. I actually was up and ready on time. Got my garbage out since it's garbage day. Then Anna's hearing aid quit working. I tried 4 different batteries and no response. It's the same one we had fixed in December. I was able to take it to the audiologist this morning and she confirmed it was dead and has to be sent in for repair - again.

And, the girls came really, really close to missing the bus this morning. In fact, they would have had we opened out door any second later than we did. The bus driver stopped in front of our house and waited for them to throw their coats on and grab their backpacks. Jessica dawdled enough that she didn't even get her hair brushed this morning. I hope this is a lesson learned for her that when I say "get dressed or you'll miss the bus!", that I mean it.

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