Thursday, March 17, 2011

Two Checkmarks Off My List

Better late than never, I finally got everything together to apply for our China Visa and put them in the FedEx box today. I thought I had everything together then realized the girls needed to sign their applications, then I thought I'd lost Anna's visa photo and was going to try to get another taken before school. Then found a copy with her Chinese passport. Hopefully it gets to it's destination (There's Always Hope!) and gets done and back to me by the last week of March. I also lined up a friend to take us to the airport and then pick us up when we get home. Whew! That was something I would have asked my mom to do since we're leaving during the day and I didn't want to ask a friend to take off work. But of course my mom passed away unexpectedly in October and that brings a whole other set of emotions to the table. I need to get my list out where I can see it (instead of just my head), so I can actively work on checking it off. I just realized we're leaving in less than 3 weeks - 19 days to be exact! So much to do.

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