Saturday, July 7, 2007

Happy 8th Birthday to Jessica!!!

I took Jessica, Anna, and 2 friends of Jessica's to the local aquatic park so that Jess would do something special on her birthday. Her party is on the 14th, which is Anna's birthday, and they are having a combined party, so I wanted to do something today. The aquatic park has 2 4 story slides. One is a body slide, the other is for tubing. They have one, two, and three person tubes. I knew the girls would love it once they tried, so I went up with them and did the two person tube with Anna while Jessica and Serena did the body slides. I never saw Jessica and Serena again other than to wave at them at the top of the tower. Jessica's other friend was more scared, but did do the three person tube with Anna and I. The tube did slip out from under us once, but Anna remembers it as something fun. There were lots of things for all ages and abilities to do. We definitely want to go back and now that I've checked it out, we may buy season passes next year. It's very close to our house. It also helps that both my girls can swim now, so I don't have to hover over them, or have them velcroed to me. If we didn't have to get one friend home for another activity, we would have stayed much longer. We are planning to go back on Friday if the weather is nice with Serena and her family.

On the way home from delivering friends, we stopped at a fancy ice cream place which the girls loved. Jessica and I played Scrabble and Clue (the games I got her for her birthday) the rest of the weekend. She's loving board games now. And she seems to now understand the condition that we play the game, we put it and all pieces away. If they can't keep the game together, I said I'd never buy another board game again.

Now I need to start getting ready for another birthday and the party.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Happy Birthday Jessica!! I hope you and Anna have great fun at your party!!