Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I Thought I'd Have a GOOD Evening!

Daily Horoscope Overview Tuesday, March 18, 2008
A significant improvement is on the way and should arrive today. It may involve compensation or emotional satisfaction, but you should know it when you see it. Enjoy the good feeling!
Daily Horoscope Extended Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Foreign cultures, food, music, dance and even politics will hold special interest for you right now. You are getting more eager to push beyond what you know of the world. You want unusual stimulation, and this is an important sign that you are about to go through a growth phase. Expose yourself to different cultures and immerse yourself in them as much as you can. The world is a big place and you know so little of it -- isn't it time for you to go out and start learning more?

So on my way home, my van started acting up. I barely made it home and had to have my daycare provider bring my kids home. I had the van towed to a service station to have it looked at today. It wasn't accelerating, so I took side streets home. To add insult to injury, when I went outside to walk the girls to the bus stop, I locked the door behind me with no keys in my pockets! A neighbor gave me a shovel (all I had outside was a Little Tykes hoe) and suggested running water to melt the snow and ice covering my fake rock with a spare key in it. I finally found the rock, ended up breaking it with the shovel as it was frozen in the ground. No word on the van yet. I'm so afraid it's the transmission or something reallly expensive. I can't afford to get a new van, but wonder how long I should continue to fix this one. It's a 1999 Pontiac Montana with about 120,000 miles on it. After reading that horoscope, I was actually really excited to get home. Maybe they meant that for someone else.

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